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Hearthside Reading Series
Innocent Diversions
Carlton House
Triumph of Love
September 2013 Hearthside Comedies
Theater Ten Ten Past Productions
Arms and the Man (Shaw)
The Cradle Will Rock (Blitzstein) - NY Innovative Theatre Award Nomination, Best Musical
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
The Tempest (Shakespeare)
The Philanderer (Shaw)
The 103rd Annual Performance of Ruddigore or the Witches Curse, Presented by Murgatroyd's Hospital for Mental Rehabilitation, Ruddy Gore, Maine (Gilbert & Sullivan, adapt. Fuller) - NY Innovative Theatre Award Nomination, Best Musical
Innocent Diversions - A Christmas Entertainment with Jane Austen and Friends (Lynn Marie Macy)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
A Grand Night For Singing (Rodgers and Hammerstein)
Joe Piscopo's Son (Joey Piscopo)
Northanger Abbey, A Romantic Gothic Comedy (Lynn Marie Macy)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare)
Happy End (Brecht/Weill) - NY Innovative Theatre Award Nomination, Best Musical
A Month In The Country (Turgenev)
Kiss and Cry (Tom Rowan) - NY Innovative Theatre Award Nomination; National GLADD Award Nominee Outstanding Theater Production
The Singapore Mikado (Gilbert & Sullivan, adapt. Berigan & Fuller) - 5 NY Innovative Theatre Award Nominations, including Best Musical and Best Ensemble
The Apple Cart (Shaw)
A Little of What you Fancy (adapt. Jarosz & Seatter) - NY Innovative Theatre Award Nomination, Best Musical
All's Well That Ends Well (Shakespeare)
Iolanthe... Unplugged (Gilbert & Sullivan, adapt. Jarosz)
The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Shakespeare)
The Nova Scotia Pirates of Penzance (Gilbert & Sullivan, adapt. Fuller)
The Winter's Tale (Shakespeare)
Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life (adapt. Jarosz & Allan Greene)
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
An Evening with Gilbert & Sullivan
The Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare)
Behind The Mask - world premiere featuring exciting swordplay
From Berlin to Broadway, the Music of Kurt Weill - OOBR Award Best Musical
King Lear (Shakespeare)
A Christmas Carol (Dickens, adapt. Fuller)
Duelists: the Forgotten Champions (World Premiere, stage combat extravaganza)
Park Avenue (Kaufman, Johnson, Schwartz & Gershwin) - 1st Major NYC Revival
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
A Christmas Carol (Dickens, adapt. Fuller)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
Godspell (Schwartz)
Innocent Diversions,
A Christmas Entertainment with Jane Austen and Friends (Lynn Marie Macy)
Hollywood Pinafore (Kaufman) - 1st Revival 1995-1996
Playboy of the Western World (Synge)
Engaged (W. S. Gilbert)
Arms and the Man (Shaw)
Pirates of Penzance (Gilbert & Sullivan)
Loves' Labours Lost (Shakespeare)
The Mikado (Gilbert & Sullivan)
Jean Cocteau Repertory Past Productions
The Threepenny Opera (Brecht/Weill--Blitzstein) - Revival
Dames at Sea (Haimsohn, Miller & Wise) - 1st Major NYC Revival & 35th Anniversary Prod.
Romeo & Juliet (Shakespeare)
Pygmalion (Shaw)
Intrigue & Love (Schiller) - World Premiere trans. by Lynn Marie Macy
The Maids (Genet)
The Threepenny Opera (Brecht/Weill--Blitzstein) **
Lysistrata (Aristophanes) - world premiere trans. by David Jiranek
Dona Rosita the Spinster (Lorca)
The Wild Duck (Ibsen)
The Bourgeois Gentleman (Moliere) - NY Premiere, trans. by Rod McLucas, orig.music by Raphael Crystal
Henry V (Shakespeare)
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde)
Uncle Vanya (Chekhov)
The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds(Zindel)
The Triumph of Love (Marivaux) - World Premiere, trans. by Rod McLucas
Small Craft Warnings (Williams)
Oedipus the King (Sophocles)
Arms and the Man (Shaw)
The Dance of Death (Strindberg)
The Marriage of Figaro (Beaumarchais) - World Premiere, trans. by Rod McLucas, orig. music by Charles Berigan
The Cradle Will Rock (Blitzstein)
The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)
Night and Day (Stoppard)
The Subject Was Roses (Gilroy)
The Misanthrope (Moliere)
Sus (Keefe)
On the Razzle (Stoppard)
The Balcony (Genet)
Servant of Two Masters (Goldoni)
Edward II (Brecht)
Medea (Euripedes)
The Butter and Egg Man (Kaufman)